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Navigating Holiday Travel Stress

If Clinton National Airport feels a little busier than usual over the next weeks, it is. Traffic is expected to be up more than 12 percent because of holiday travel. 

With that in mind, and to make your trip as enjoyable and stress-free as possible, we encourage you to keep these travel tips in mind:

  • Arrive to the airport at least two hours early for domestic flights and three hours early for international travel. While this might seem like overkill, feeling rushed is often a significant stressor.
    • Wait times can vary at the ticket counter, TSA screenings and in our terminal restaurants and shops. It is essential to give yourself plenty of time to make it from the parking lot to your gate in time to board, so arriving early is crucial. 
  • Dress for comfort when possible. Long lines and delays are possible during peak travel season, and you’ll appreciate being in comfortable clothes should anything unexpected happen.
    • Wearing slip-on shoes and limiting the number of accessories (belts, watches, jewelry, etc.) can help speed up the time it takes for you to get through TSA screenings. 
  • Speaking of TSA screenings… Did you know that 99 percent of travelers who have enrolled in TSA PreCheck need 10 minutes or less to get through security?
    • Enrolling can be completed in three easy steps, and once you’ve enrolled, your shoes can stay on and the laptop stays in your bag! Here’s how to enroll:
      • Apply online – Pay just $85 for a 5-year enrollment.  
      • Visit an enrollment location for a 10-minute appointment. 
      • Receive your Known Traveler Number (KTN), add it to your reservations and get through screening quicker. You don’t even have to take off your belt and jewelry in line.
  • Familiarize yourself with parking options before your trip. Clinton National Airport offers seven different parking options, ranging from short-term lots to economy and long-term parking. Understanding the difference in advance of your trip can reduce stress on the day of your trip
    • ​Evaluate which options are best for you with our handy parking guide.
  • Knowing how and what to pack is an essential part of de-stressing the travel experience. Start with an understanding of the TSA 3-1-1 rule. Each passenger is allowed 3.4 ounces of liquid/gels per bottle, and bottles must fit into one quart-sized bag, which fits into a single carry-on bag.
    • The 3-1-1 rule applies to liquids (drinks and perfumes, for example) and spreadables (think peanut butter or hummus).
    • Additionally, TSA has a number of safety-related rules related to items like guns or knives. Even water guns and slime for kids are regulated, something you can learn more about here
    • And leave some room in your carry-on bag for a fresh change of clothes. Hopefully, all of your travel will progress as scheduled, but having fresh clothes available is always a good idea, just in case. 
    • Have a book, podcast or streaming series you haven’t gotten around to yet? Traveling is a fantastic time to catch up on new entertainment options or dive into your old standbys. Just don’t forget your headphones! Your fellow travelers might not have the same taste in entertainment, and keep in mind families often travel together for the holidays, and some content might not be appropriate for all ages.  
  • Keep your boarding pass and ID handy while in the terminal. You will likely need to show Clinton National Airport, airline and TSA staff these items multiple times throughout your trip, so put them somewhere you won’t easily forget them.
  • Most important of all, remember that Clinton National Airport staff are here to help. Please call (501) 213-6243 if you need assistance in advance of your trip.