Read carefully before signing
Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport provides a safe, healthy work environment for its employees. Because of the vital services we provide the general public, our employees must be able to exercise good judgment, react properly in unexpected and emergency conditions, and perform their duties safely and efficiently.
I understand that any offer of employment to me is contingent upon my successful completion and passage of a drug screen conducted by the Airport’s designated medical examiner. I understand that Clinton National Airport will not hire me if the result for my drug screen is positive for illegal drugs, including any positive result for any prescription drug for which I do not have a valid prescription. I further understand that the use of medical marijuana is strictly prohibited while employed by the Airport.
I agree and consent to comply with all phases of any medical examination which the Airport requests me to undergo as part of the application process. I also agree and consent to have drug and alcohol test results released to the proper authorities of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport.
I authorize all of my prior employers, credit bureaus, the officials of all schools which I have attended or been associated with, any person named above on this Application, all public officials, and any other person or entity to give any information regarding my employment, education record, personal habits, ability, criminal record, or any other relevant information they may have regarding me whether or not it is in or on their records. I release any applicable employers, schools, public officials, and other persons and entities, from any and all liability for any damage whatsoever which might result from their revealing or furnishing this information to Clinton National Airport or anyone acting on the Airport’s behalf.
I understand and agree that if I am employed by Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, it will be "at will", meaning that either the Airport or I may end my employment at any time for any reason. I understand that recruiting literature, employee handbooks, policy and procedure manuals, or other printed material do not constitute any form of any employment contract between Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport and me. I also understand and agree that no employee or representative of Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport has any authority to enter into any agreement for my employment with the Airport contrary to the foregoing.
I understand and agree that if I am employed, I am required to abide by all Clinton National Airport rules and regulations. I further understand that any information that I provide on this Application or omission of any information, which is false or misleading, may be grounds for rejection of the Application or immediate dismissal, if hired.
I understand that if my position requires unescorted access privilege to the Security Identification Display Area (SIDA) of the Airport, I will be subject to employment history verification and fingerprinting, and possibly an FBI criminal history record check (required by CFT Title 49, Part 1542).
I understand that my employment application remains active for six (6) months and that if I have not been employed within that time frame, and wish for continued consideration for the same job, I must reapply.
I Agree